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Save our souls!
"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me. 8 Do not gloat over...

Sergey: a miracle in Brooklyn
We hospitalized him. The doctors said: “That's it, we have to say goodbye to him! Father, recite the prayer “For the Exodus of the Soul”.

Adyan's path to Christ
My name is Adyan, and I am from Kalmykia, Russia. I lived most of my life in atheism, although there was religious life around me, but...

The Story of Nikolaj Lapich
A shelter for Russian-speaking homeless people, the St. John of Kronstadt House of Labour is attached to the Church of the Blessed Virgin...

The story of N. battling the gambling addiction
Dear Fr. Vadim! Bless you! I am grateful to God that I am in Brooklyn and that I live ten minutes away from the Church you built and...

The history of St. John of Kronstadt Labor House
In the second half of the 19th century, there were many poor people in Kronstadt, a port city near the capital of St. Petersburg. Most of...

The rain is falling on the Brighton Beach
By Elena Chernichkina There's a unique place in New York City (Brooklyn, Brighton Beach, home to a large Russian-speaking community)...
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